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Virtual Try On - Dress

Generate images by combining clothing and model images using the Fashion Image Generation API. Customize the image generation process with various parameters.

import requests
import json

url = ""
headers = {
"API-Key": "your-api-key",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
data = {
"cloth_image": "",
"model_image": "",
"num_inference_steps": 30,
"guidance_scale": 15,
"samples": 4,
"server_id": "your-server-id",
"webhook": "",
"direct_link": true,
"batch_id": "batch123",
"file_prefix": "fashion_",
"queued_image_urls": true
response =, headers=headers, json=data)

Available JSON Parameters for Control

cloth_imagestringrequired. Public URL for the clothing image.
model_imagestringrequired. Public URL for the model image.
num_inference_stepsintegerrequired. Number of inference steps.
guidance_scalenumberrequired. Max: 20. The guidance scale for the image generation.
samplesintegerrequired. Max: 4. Number of image samples to generate.
server_idstringOptional. Provide a server ID for load-balancing or to use an enterprise subscription.
webhookstringURL to send the generated image to.
direct_linkbooleanFetches the friendly URL in PNG format.
batch_idstringAdds a batch ID for the image generation request.
file_prefixstringAdds a prefix to the generated files.
queued_image_urlsbooleanReturns the links of the images prematurely. The link will have the image once the task is run successfully.


Your response will include a status.

  • If the status = SUCCESS, you will also have download_urls that will contain the links to your generated image based on the number of samples you have entered. The maximum number of samples that can be generated is 4.
  • If the status = PENDING, you will receive an id. You can use the status endpoint to fetch your image using the id.
  • If the status = FAILURE, you will receive only an error message.

Endpoint: [GET]


Pass the API-Key as the authorization in the header.