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We currently support the following models for superresolution:

  • RealESRGAN_x4plus: Upscales images by 4x with enhanced detail and noise reduction, making blurry photos crystal clear.
  • RealESRGAN_x2plus: Enhances sharpness and removes artifacts in images, ideal for restoring old photos or enlarging low-resolution ones by 2x.
  • RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B: Specifically trained for anime images, upscaling them by 4x with high fidelity and preserving the unique anime style.
  • realesr-general-x4v3: A versatile model for various image types, upscaling by 4x with improved stability and performance, making it a great all-rounder for general image enhancement.

API Endpoints


"model_name": "RealESRGAN_x4plus",
"init_image": "",
"scale_factor": 4.0,
"tile": 128,
"face_enhance": false

JSON Parameters

ParameterDescriptionTypeDefault Value
model_nameThe Real-ESRGAN model to use. Allowed values are: RealESRGAN_x4plus, RealESRGAN_x2plus, RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B, realesr-general-x4v3stringRequired
init_imagePublic URL for the initial image to be upscaledstringRequired
scale_factorThe factor by which to upscale the image. Valid values are between 0 and 4number4
tileTile size for image segmentation during processing. Valid values are 128 or 256integer128
face_enhanceWhether to enable face enhancement (only works for realistic faces)booleanfalse